gs.auth.token API

Using token authentication is normally done in two steps. First the token is added to the interface, and then used in the form.

The interface

The interface defines the parameters that the web hook accepts. To use token authentication one of the parameters should be an instance of the AuthToken class.

class AuthToken(title, token, required)

An authentication token field.

  • title (str) – The title (almost always Token)
  • description (str) – The description of the field.
  • required (bool) – Weather the field is required (almost always True)

AuthenticationTokenMismatch – There was a miss-match between the supplied token and the stored token.

Web-hooks that want to use token authentication include a AuthToken attribute as a parameter.

class AuthenticationTokenMismatch

The supplied token failed to match the token stored in the database.


In the following example the ISomeHook interface class is created with the token property set to be an instance of the AuthToken class.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from zope.interface.interface import Interface
from gs.auth.token import AuthToken

class ISomeHook(Interface):

    token = AuthToken(
        description='The authentication token',

The form

A form that actually supplies the web-hook uses the interface, and handles any errors using the log_auth_error() function.

log_auth_error(context, request, errors)

Log a token authentication error.

  • context – The context of the current page (hook).
  • request – The current request.
  • errors – The errors that have occurred.

This utility will check for the AuthenticationTokenMismatch error in the list of errors. If present it will add an audit-event to the audit-trail table.


Typically the form that provides a web-hook is a subclass of the JSON SiteEndpoint class [2]. If there is an error in the form then the utility gs.auth.token.log_auth_error() should be called.

from zope.formlib import form
from gs.auth.token import log_auth_error
from gs.content.form.api.json import SiteEndpoint
from .interfaces import ISomeHook

class SomeHook(SiteEndpoint):
    '''The hook'''
    label = 'Some hook'
    form_fields = form.Fields(ISomeHook, render_context=False)

    @form.action(label='Some', name='some', prefix='',
    def handle_some(self, action, data):
        '''Do something

:param action: The button that was clicked.
:param dict data: The form data.'''

    def handle_some_failure(self, action, data, errors):
        log_auth_error(self.context, self.request, errors)
        retval = self.build_error_response(action, data, errors)
        return retval
[1]GroupServer uses zope.formlib for most of its forms: <>.
[2]See the gs.content.form.api.json product <>