
The Twitter Bootstrap CSS is pasted at the start of the GroupServer file to eliminate the need for an HTTP request. It is licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The included CSS is a modified version of Bootstrap 2.3.0. Refer to the documentation for 2.3.2 to learn more. Do note that the following components have been removed from the included version of Bootstrap:

  • The grid system
  • Responsive utility classes

The Icons were taken from two glyph-fonts:

The IcoMoon App, by Keyamoon, was used to crate the font-files.


Josh Campbell did the initial design and implementation (GroupServer 0.9) that was part of the Products.GroupServer product. Ben Ford from Metasolutions did a major redesign (GroupServer 1.0) that was implemented in this product. Mike Harding from Cactus Lab re-imagined the design into GroupServer 2.0. The CSS coding for the all versions from 1.0 onward, and egg creation, was by Michael JasonSmith.