gs.content.form.base Content Providers

Two content providers are used for standard parts of forms in GroupServer. One displays the status message at the top of the page, while the other displays the widgets.

Status message

The groupserver.FormStatusMessage content provider displays the status of a form (the status and errors properties of the form-view class) after it submits. It provides a standard markup for the form, and normally sits in the messages slot.

  content="structure provider:groupserver.FormStatusMessage"
  define="errors view/errors;
          status view/status;
          widgets view/widgets">&#160;</tal:block>

Two optional Boolean arguments — showPageErrors and showWidgetErrors — can be passed to the content provider to control whether page and widget errors are displayed by the content provider

  content="structure provider:groupserver.FormStatusMessage"
  define="errors view/errors;
          status view/status;
          widgets view/widgets;
          showPageErrors python:True;
          showWidgetErrors python:False"

showPageErrors defaults to False while showWidgetErrors defaults to True.


The groupserver.FormWidgets content provider displays the widgets themselves. The widgets parameter is used to provide a list of widgets to the content provider.

<tal:block define="widgets view/widgets">
  <tal:block replace="structure provider:groupserver.FormWidgets"/>

By default each widget is placed in a <div> that is marked as required, or not.