Page layout examples

Below are some examples for using the pay layouts.

A Simple Page

Most pages only have to fill three slots: the title, breadcrumb and the body

<html xmlns=""
    <title metal:fill-slot="title">I am a page: Example</title>
    <ul metal:fill-slot="breadcrumb">
        <a href="/" class="icon-alone">
          <span aria-hidden="true" data-icon="&#x2302;"></span>
          <span class="screen-reader-text">Site home page</span>
    <div id="a-page" metal:fill-slot="body">
      <p>I am a page, honest.</p>

The rest of the slots will be filled by the defaults.

Using the SiteInfo

Because most pages have gs.content.base.SitePage [1] as the base view-class, there is always a siteInfo available to use in the title slot and the rest of the page:

  <title metal:fill-slot="title">I am a page:
    <span tal:replace="view/siteInfo/name">wibble</span></title>

The tal:replace attribute is used because a <span> element is not actually allowed to appear within a <title>. A <tal:block> could also be used.

Page-Specific Style and JavaScript

Some pages have some page-specific CSS styling and JavaScript.

<html xmlns=""
    <title metal:fill-slot="title">I am a page: Example</title>
    <style type="text/css" metal:fill-slot="style">
      .wibble {font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;}
    <metal:block fill-slot="body">
      <p>I am a <span class="wibble">page,</span> honest.</p>
    <script type="text/javascript" metal:fill-slot="javascript"
            defer="true" src="/++resource++my.js"> </script>

The defer="true" is important: while both jQuery and Bootstrap are loaded by default, the loading of both is deferred until after the page has loaded. Anything that wants to use jQuery has to have defer="true" set.

[1]See the gs.content.base product <>