
To test that the homepage works the following user-and group states must checked against the correct functioning of the homepage. The correct functioning of the homepage is described in the user-help. (For a secret group the anonymous and non-members should not even see the group, so those tests are marked .)

  Manager Site Admin Group Admin Posting Member Normal Member Non- Member Anon
  A D A D A D A D A D A D A D
A person with the manager role. Such people should be able to see and change everything, but not post unless he or she is a member.
Site Admin:
A person with the DivisionAdmin role. A site administrator should be able to see the group, change all the permissions to do with the group, and alter the membership of the group. A site administrator can only post if he or she is a member of the group.
Group Admin:
A person with the GroupAdmin role. A group administrator should be able to see the group, and change the membership of the group.
Posting Member:
In announcement groups a posting member should be able to see the group, start new topics and post to existing topics.
A member should be able to view the group and topics. In addition he or she can start a topic or post to a topic in a discussion group.
A non-member may or may not be able to view a group and topics, depending on the group privacy.
Someone who is not logged in (anonymous) may or may not be able to view a group and topics, depending on the group privacy.
Announcement group. Only some people can post to an announcement group. These people are known as posting members.
Discussion group. Every member of a discussion group should be able to post.


  • Add site-admin-non-member and manager-non-member columns.
  • Write down what to test.
  • Create a list of the functional tests.
  • Update the help so it matches the test.
  • Automate the test.