
This product provides support for email-commands. It does this by providing a function for processing commands (to check for a command in an email message), a way to register command processors, and the result enumeration for returning the result of a command.

Register command processors

The commands are named adaptors that implement the interface. The name is the command-name in lower case. So the command to unsubscribe someone from a group will have the adaptor name unsubscribe. The adaptor must

  • Take the group in the __init__() method (it adapts the group),
  • Provide a process() method that takes the email and browser-request as an argument.


I prefer to declare adaptors using ZCML. This will declare a command named example. This command will be executed by process_command() whenever the subject line of an email message contains starts with example (in upper or lower case). The command itself is implemented by the ExampleCommand class in the example module in the local directory:

  factory=".example.ExampleCommand" />

The example module would contain the ExampleCommand class, which inherits from the abstract base-class for commands.

from import CommandABC, CommandResult
class ExampleCommand(CommandABC):
    def process(email, request):
        # TODO: Stuff
        return CommandResult.commandStop

The request is passed in to the process() method so the class can issue email-notifications.

Indices and tables