The codeΒΆ

The mbox2gs script is provided by the module The main function takes the name of the default configuration file a single argument, which is normally supplied by buildout when it generates the mbox2gs script from the entry point.

The script parses the command-line arguments, and calls two further functions:

The script posts to the page /gs-group-messages-add-group-exists.html to check if the group exists, and to get some information about the group.

The script posts to the page /gs-group-messages-add-email.html to actually add the post.

Both pages are provided by the module [1]; the data is sent by the gs.form.post_multipart function [2], with gs.auth.token [3] providing authentication (see the section Configuration File below).

[1]See <>
[2]See gs.form <>
[3]See gs.auth.token <>