Configuration file

The configuration for the mbox2gs script is handled by the gs.config module [1]. It is entirely concerned with token authentication [2]. To authenticate script needs to pass a token to the web pages that are used to add a post [3]. The pages compare the token that was passed in to one that is stored in the database. If they match the script is allowed to post.


Below is the configuration of the token for the GroupServer instance default:

token = theValueOfTheToken

A more complex system, which has separate testing and production environments:

webservice = testing

webservice = production

token = theValueOfTheTokenForTesting

token = theValueOfTheTokenForProduction

The token-configuration for two separate sites (accessed through different URLs) that are supported by the same database:

webservice = default

webservice = default

token = theValueOfTheDefaultToken
[1]See gs.config <>
[2]See gs.auth.token <>
[3]See <>